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Few things can actually transform your life as much as the Prayer of Freedom book!

This book shares a proven method of appealing to God that delivers immediate breakthrough for even the toughest personal and health challenges.

When applying this method in multiple group studies, it was found that nearly 9 out of 10 people get freedom from challenges such as relationship conflicts, chronic pain, panic attacks, depression, bipolar disorder, long-term health issues, mental struggles, addictions, and more!

If you’re seeking freedom from your own challenges, this book is a must-read! It offers a step-by-step “how-to” guide to prayer, grounded in spiritual laws established by God, that help you receive and experience quick, lasting breakthrough.

The Prayer of Freedom Book secrets to prayer to God

Nearly two-thirds of adults struggle with relationship conflicts, chronic pain, migraines, anxiety, or depression—searching for freedom and healing but finding little success.

Most of these issues have a spiritual root, and when you remove the root, the problem disappears. This realization led Beatty Carmichael to develop and refine a unique, strategic approach to prayer, modeled after James 5:16.

The result? A Biblical, four-step prayer method focused on strategic repentance, with an 87% success rate in eliminating these struggles—often in 12 minutes or less.

The Prayer of Freedom is setting people FREE

Beatty comes from a line of seven generations of medical doctors, and while he never pursued medicine himself, he took a scientific approach to applying Biblical truths to healing. That led him to become what one may call a prayer doctor, one who brings healing through prayer instead of medicine.

This journey has led him to focus on bringing healing in ways that medicine cannot. Most people believe God doesn’t answer prayers anymore because they’ve never seen it happen for them. But Beatty discovered a unique, four-step method to prayer based on James 5:16 that moves God to supernaturally intervene 87% of the time.

Here’s what he found: most of these issues—chronic pain, migraines, relationship conflicts, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, trauma, addictions, sleep apnea, and more—have a spiritual root. And when you get rid of the root, you get rid of the problem.

Through this method, Beatty has seen over 700 people experience complete and lasting freedom of these issues. It happens quickly, often in as little as 12 minutes for most issues.

His book, The Prayer of Freedom, explains step-by-step why this works and how to apply it in your life. Get a copy above!