Invite Beatty Carmichael

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What drug addicts taught me about getting rid of Chronic Pain, Illnesses, Anxiety and Depression… in less than 24 hours

Nearly two-thirds of adults struggle with relationship conflicts, chronic pain, migraines, anxiety, or depression—constantly searching for freedom and healing but finding little success.

Through my work at an addiction recovery center, I discovered that most of these struggles have a spiritual root, and when you remove the root, the problems simply disappear. This insight led me to develop a strategic approach to prayer, modeled after James 5:16: “confess your sins… and you shall be healed.”

The result? A Biblical, four-step prayer method focused on strategic confession, with an 87% success rate in eliminating these issues—often in less than 24 hours.

This powerful approach, hidden in plain sight throughout the Bible, has helped people achieve what once seemed impossible: relationships restored, chronic pain relieved, and mental health disorders overcome. Your audience will be encouraged to discover how simple this method is and how it can bring lasting freedom and hope into their lives.

I’ve seen these life-changing results firsthand—for every 20 students applying this process at the recovery center, nearly 18 left completely free from chronic pain, addictions, anxiety, depression, and more.

This approach is also highly demonstrable for TV—if there is a studio audience, I can demonstrate in real time how this prayer method works and how effective it is.

Be sure to watch the video testimonials below from just a few of the hundreds who have experienced these life-changing results!

The “story” and its impact for your audience

(be sure to check out the Real People, REAL Stories at the bottom of this page)

Contact Information

Beatty “at”

Personal Story

I come from a line of seven generations of medical doctors, and while I never pursued medicine myself, I took a scientific approach to applying spiritual laws to healing. That led me to become what one might call a prayer doctor, one who brings healing through prayer instead of medicine.

This journey has led me to focus on bringing healing in ways that medicine cannot. Most people believe God doesn’t answer prayers anymore because they’ve never seen it happen for them. But I’ve discovered a unique, four-step method to prayer, based on James 5:16 (“confess your sins… and you shall be healed”), that moves God to supernaturally intervene around 87% of the time.

Through real-world experience, especially at an addiction recovery center, I discovered that most of these struggles—chronic pain, migraines, relationship conflicts, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, trauma, addictions, sleep apnea, and more—have a spiritual root. And when you get rid of the root, the issues simply disappear.

At the recovery center, I faced some of the toughest cases of chronic pain, mental illness, and addiction issues. I tested this method in a classroom setting with students who had struggled with them for years. The results are profound: for every 20 students applying this process, nearly 18 leave completely free from chronic pain, addictions, anxiety, depression, and more—often within a week.

In practical terms, this means that issues like chronic pain, mental illness, and addictions that most people battle with for years can now be eliminated.

My success inspired me to write The Prayer of Freedom, a practical “how-to” guide that offers real hope where traditional methods often fall short.

My mission is to share this process with as many people as possible, helping them break free from chronic pain, emotional struggles, and life’s heaviest burdens—all through the simple power of prayer.

You can get a copy of The Prayer of Freedom below and learn how to apply this approach in your own life:

The Prayer of Freedom Show details

Click the “+” sign below next to the details you desire.

Demo Reels

Interview Topics

A Biblical approach to freedom from pain, mental illness, and more… in 12 minutes

If medicine can’t heal you, let God do it! Here’s how…

Breaking the cycle: 3 steps to lasting freedom from relationship problems, chronic pain, anxiety and panic attacks

(alternative topics and titles)

Chronic pain and migraines don’t have to be forever: 3 steps to lasting freedom

Beyond painkillers: 3 steps to lasting freedom from pain and migraines

From pain to freedom: 3 steps to end chronic pain and migraines

Anxiety, panic attacks and depression don’t have to be forever: 3 steps to lasting freedom

Beyond medication: 3 steps to lasting freedom from anxiety, panic attacks and depression

From struggle to freedom: 3 steps to end anxiety, panic attacks and depression

Relationship conflicts: the #1 reason behind them and 3 steps to restore them

3 steps to lasting forgiveness and peace in your life

Forgiveness isn’t weakness: 3 steps to permanently release bitterness and hurts

Do you have a demon? 3 questions to let you know

Does God really heal miraculously today?

Why God allows pain and sickness, and what the Bible say about getting healed

Sample Questions – for short segment

  • What do you say to someone who feels stuck in chronic pain, anxiety, or broken relationships? Is there hope for them?
  • Why do so many people feel God doesn’t answer their prayers?
  • How can you adjust your prayers so God actually answers them and heals you?

Sample Questions – for longer, full interview segment

Opening Hook

  • Let’s start with a big question: What do you say to someone who feels stuck in chronic pain, anxiety, or broken relationships? Is there hope for them?
  • Why do so many people feel God doesn’t answer their prayers?
  • You’ve mentioned that the answer to these challenges has been ‘hidden in plain sight.’ Can you explain what you mean by that?

Author’s Journey

  • You come from a long line of medical doctors focused on healing, but your journey has taken a unique turn. Can you share how your family legacy influenced the work you’re doing today?
  • When you didn’t go down the medical route, what led you down the more spiritual route?
  • What were some of the early results you saw when you started praying for people? How did that impact your understanding of God’s healing and restoration?

Book Overview and Value

  • Tell us about The Prayer of Freedom. Why did you write it, and who is it for?
  • You’ve described this book as a roadmap to freedom. Can you break down how it works and what makes it different from other books on spiritual healing or self-help?
  • You’ve mentioned an 87% success rate when measuring results at an addiction recovery center. Can you share an example of someone who experienced dramatic results using the Prayer of Freedom?

Author’s Expertise and Mission

  • Your mission is all about helping people find freedom. How has your personal journey shaped the way you approach teaching and healing?
  • You’ve talked about making this prayer process accessible to anyone, regardless of their background. Why is that so important to you?
  • What drives you to continue refining and sharing this method with others?

Call to Action

  • For someone watching (or listening to) this and feeling like they’re ready for a change, what’s the first step they should take?
  • How can people access your book? What’s the best way to get started?
  • If someone is skeptical or hesitant, what would you say to encourage them to give The Prayer of Freedom a try?

Teaching Topics

The Prayer of Freedom offers a Biblical exploration of sin, its consequences, and the path to restoration. Drawing from his extensive experience, Beatty delivers an engaging, easy-to-follow teaching that highlights the impact of unrepented sin to our lives and the immediate impact of strategic repentance. His teachings can be tailored to fit any time slot you require:

30 minutes: Summary overview of sin and consequence, and how to get restoration.

60, 90 or 120 minutes: A more complete overview of this topic, including taking the audience through a live demonstration of the prayer process so they can experience immediate healing and relief of various issues.

Unforgiveness is a widespread issue that affects countless lives. Research shows that nearly 60% of people struggle with unforgiveness, and studies reveal that 60-70% of chronic illnesses may be linked to emotional or psychological factors—often driven by unforgiveness and its roots of unresolved anger and resentment. Many in your audience are longing for freedom from these struggles but don’t know how to achieve it. This teaching provides a clear, practical path to lasting forgiveness, offering hope and transformation:

30 minutes: 3 steps to lasting forgiveness.

60 minutes: The Biblical impact of forgiveness (based on the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant) and how to have lasting forgiveness

For additional show information, click the “+” sign next to your preferred options.

Suggested Introduction Script

Beatty Carmichael is the author of the book, The Prayer of Freedom. He has developed a way of praying for healing where God actually answers those prayers around 87% of the time. With this process, he has seen God heal over 700 people — everything from relationship conflicts, all kinds of chronic pain, anxiety, glaucoma, and more.

Most people think God doesn’t answer prayers for healing because they’ve never seen him do it for them. But Beatty has found that with the right approach, God does it almost every time.

So, if you struggle with relationship conflicts, chronic pain, migraines, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and more, you’re in for a BIG treat with today’s guest as Beatty shares the root cause of most of these issues and a simple, 4-step approach in prayer to get lasting freedom from them today.

Call-to-Action Script

  • Link audience to 
  • Hosts: please mention the call to action instead of asking me to do it (it means more coming from you)
  • Script idea: “To get freedom in your life, get a copy of The Prayer of Freedom today. It’s available at any bookstore, but the best place to go is book’s website at where you’ll find additional information, discounts, and a free gift as well.”  
  • Thank you!
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    Beatty, jpg (below)

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    (continue below for real stories…)

    Real stories, REAL results…

    Does this prayer approach really work?

    Miracles don’t have to be rare—they can become everyday experiences with The Prayer of Freedom. Hear from a few of the hundreds of people who have experienced it themselves. Using this approach to prayer, God healed each of these from the issues listed below. Watch their testimonials and hear how quickly God restored their health and relationships…